Knowledge Is Power. Here's How To Apply It To Your Health.
A curated list of informative websites, articles, books and online tools, by Dr. Mariana Calleja M.D., to help you embrace and improve your health, lifestyle and wellbeing.
Welcome to The Feel Good Life Resources Page
‘Scientia potentia est.’ (“Knowledge is power.”)
This well-known phrase was attributed to Sir Francis Bacon in 1597 from his work Meditationes Sacrae, then published by Thomas Hobbes, one of Bacon’s apprentices, later in 1668. Sir Bacon is best known for his contributions to the development of the scientific method, and often regarded as one of the founders of modern science and empiricism. (Source: The Collector)

It’s clear to me that if we apply this phrase to health, knowledge becomes indeed a powerful tool, not only for practitioners but for patients too.
“Today, scientific knowledge is shared through publications that not only inform, but have the capacity to influence decision making.” ~ Prof. Leonard Azamfirei, MD, PhD, National Library of Medicine.
Knowledge is power, and self-knowledge is self-empowerment.
I always encourage my patients to read and search, to be curious, to observe and learn about themselves, whether physically or emotionally. I also remind them that having access (or a copy, depending on their provider) to their medical reports and test results is important. It’s your right as a patient, and a key part in your self-knowledge health process.
Helping a patient is team work. I know the theory, you know your body, and together we can investigate and find answers to your ailments.
And accessing reliable sources of medical advice is vitally important. Patients need clarity, empathy and jargon-free content, which sadly is not easy to find on the internet these days, especially with the introduction of garbled AI-powered search results.
It’s entirely possible that the era of search engines (particularly Google) giving us coherent, reliable and safe search-query information is drawing to a close - in which case it’s more important than ever that you’re careful about the original source of that information, and you ensure to fact-check everything using websites with a strong reputation for accuracy and for citing credible research.
For this reason, I’ve created a detailed list of websites, articles, online tools, books and more, on relevant health topics. I tend to be quite picky and careful about the sources I share. Most of these resources explain things from the patient’s perspective, making it all very comprehensive and easy to understand for non-medical people.
(Disclaimer: None of these links are sponsored or affiliates. It’s simply content I have personally researched and selected according to my professional knowledge and values, as a way to provide tools and guidance for your wellbeing.)
These resources have helped my patients numerous times. I trust you’ll find them helpful too!
I’ll keep growing and updating this Resources section as I go. ;)
Much love,
Dr. Mariana
Medical Websites to Get Well Informed
Raise your hand if you have Googled symptoms and diagnosed yourself at 3:00 a.m. only to find out that you’re going to die soon? Yes, we’ve all been there…
I always suggest my patients to read reliable medical sites to get well informed - and prevent those unnecessary midnight anxiety attacks. ;)
My recommended go-to medical sites are:
Cleveland Clinic
Mayo Clinic
Harvard Health
John Hopkins
Brigham & Women’s Hospital
Reliable Health Info On The Web
Lifestyle, Healthy Habits & Prevention
Very Well Health
Mind Body Green
New York Times Well
Emotional and Mental Health
Psych Central
Healthy Place
Mental Health Foundation
Digestive Health
Love Your Gut
The Gut Health Doctor
The Digestive Health Clinic Blog
The Healthy Gut - All about SIBO
Goodness Me Nutrition Blog
The Gut Health Dietitian Blog
Women’s Health
Healthy Women
Femininity Blog
Her Women’s Health (Pregnancy & Postpartum)
Wellness Mama (Family Health & Motherhood)
Women’s Mental Health by MGH
Men’s Health
Men’s Health Network
Men’s Health Forum
The Everyday Man
Mind Journal
Maze Men’s Sexual & Reproductive Health
M Drive For Men Blog
Limitless Male Clinic Blog
Cardiovascular Health
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute
Department of Health WA
Heart Foundation AU
Better Health - Know Your Risk
US Department of Health and Human Services
John Hopkins Heart & Vascular
Mayo Clinic - Strategies to Prevent Heart Disease
Sleep Health
Sleep Foundation
Sleep Healthline
Sleep Health Foundation
The National Sleep Foundation
Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine
Sexual Health
British Association for Sexual Health and HIV
Terrence Higgins Trust
Cara Friend for LGTBQI+ Resources
International Journal of Sexual Health
Sports & Fitness
Nerd Fitness
Fit Bottomed Girls
WebMD Diet & Nutrition
Nutrition Facts Blog
Optimum Nutrient Recommendations
Spectrum Nutrition Blog
Bites of Wellness
Gluten Free Travel Cards by Jodi Ettenberg (Highly Recommended)
Alternative Health
Ayurveda: Intro
Ayurveda Health Guides by Banyan Botanicals
Acupuncture (Info by NHI)
Traditional Chinese Medicine (Info by National Library of Medicine)
Osteopathic Medicine
Substacks I Enjoy & Learn From
Your Local Epidemiologist by
Inside Medicine by
The Gut Makeover by
Men’s Psychology by
2% with Michael Easter by
The Thermalist Journal by
Hello, Adversity by
The Nettle Witch, MD by
The Vajenda by
Plant-Based Diet Science Corner by
Millenial Monica by
Letters From a Muslim Woman by
Raising Myles by
Figs in Winter: New Stoicism and beyond by
Science & Curiosity
All Science Great & Small by
Bad Astronomy (Now on Beehive)
Arts & Entertainment
Café Anne (For NYC enthusiasts) by
Sports & Outdoors
Running Tales: After All Is Said and Run by
La Newsletter de Oriol by
Other Recommendations
The Nature Fix
Dan Buettner: Blue Zones and The Secret of Living Longer
Oliver Sacks MD Book Collection (Author & Neurologist)
The Body: A Guide for Occupants
Health Series & Documentaries
Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones
Hack Your Health: The Secrets to Your Gut
Do you have a good resource that has been helpful in your health journey? Share in the comments below.
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Image Credits: Photo by Gabriella Clare Marino on Unsplash
Thanks for the mention, Dr. Mariana! This is a great read with a lot of excellent newsletters I also rely on, people should def check them out 👍
Always love knowledge dumps so I'm saving this one for future reference.