Jul 26Liked by Dr. Mariana Calleja Ross

You look great in india dress. Bhangra beats surely makes you want to dance. Looking forward for more such anecdotes😁

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Oh and yes, in those Indian dresses I feel so beautiful and so much like I'm at home! Life works in mysterious ways. 🎉💃🏻

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Hi Praneetha! It surely does, I love the energy in Bhangra sooooo much. For reasons I can't understand (past lives maybe?!), dancing Bhangra took straight back to my childhood at the farm in the Costa Rican hills, where I'd jump and roam freely. Bhangra made me feel all of it again and it's beautiful.

Do you dance?

Thanks for commenting! Happy to have you here. 😊

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Jul 26Liked by Dr. Mariana Calleja Ross

Well I tried a few times.But not so good at it.

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Oh I see! 😊

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Jul 21Liked by Dr. Mariana Calleja Ross

Beautiful stories, Mariana! You have such an eclectic set of passions. Life is interesting... in how we keep blossoming and blossoming as the years go by, and age brings us more confidence to let ourselves be seen by the world exactly as we are. :)

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Thank you, Monica! :D The confidence that's showing up with ageing is absolutely life-changing, right?? To more of that as we go!

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Jul 21Liked by Dr. Mariana Calleja Ross

¡Qué vida maravillosa! Felicitaciones. I love languages too and traveling. I will be happy to read you.

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¡Ay madre, que ilusión leer comentarios en castellano! Holaaaaa jaja. ¿De dónde eres? Welcome to The Feel Good Life, Arnaly :) To more travel and learning about the beautiful things in this world! :)

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Jul 22Liked by Dr. Mariana Calleja Ross

Nací en Venezuela y vivo en Canadá desde hace 29 años. Me encantó encontrarte y espero poder leer acerca de tus aventuras y proyectos. Gracias por la bienvenida! 🤗

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Wow, qué bien! Yo nací en Costa Rica y vivo en Europa desde hace 15 años. Curiosas vueltas da la vida. :) ¡Pues gracias y encantada de tenerte aquí!

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Jul 22Liked by Dr. Mariana Calleja Ross

¡Igualmente! 🤗

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Lovely to get to know you a bit more!

I too love learning languages and about cultures. You are certainly a multi passionate person!

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Yay! Languages and cultures for the win! Do you speak any other languages too?

The world is a fascinating place, isn't it? Modern world can be exhausting at times, but the essence of this world is truly a gem. More of that!

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I speak French, Italian, Slovene, Japanese, Serbian and Khmer - in order of fluency! I love learning but there's always more to learn!

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Oh wow! Impressive 😍 I'm curious about Serbian and Khmer, I'll go do some research now!

On my list next: Japanese, Thai and Sign language.

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Oh yes, I would love to learn sign language! Thai may be quite like Khmer/Cambodian since they are neighbours, but I'm not sure.... I just know a few words of Thai.

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Yeah I'd be curious to know. ❤️😊

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Jul 20Liked by Dr. Mariana Calleja Ross

I can’t decide which I adore more: the anecdote about speaking Catalan with your grandmother, or learning about your dance journey! 🤯

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Jul 20Liked by Dr. Mariana Calleja Ross

Ahh I loved learning all this about you! I admire your ability to learn languages. I have enough trouble with English but I've never been great at retaining other languages. Took Spanish through high school and learned a little bit of French a few years ago using Duolingo. (Pandemic goals.)

What makes my soul spark...hmm...I'd have to say writing and learning. I love the process of learning new things and when possible, teaching them to others. I find writing is a great way to do that. I'm still really introverted but I love meeting new people!

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I'm amazed at the language thing too, and I still have some on the list: Japanese, Thai and sign language!

Writing is such a big, life-changing thing, isn't it? Those who don't write can't really understand how deep it goes. Theres something about the writer brain... ✨❤️

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