Sep 8Liked by Dr. Mariana Calleja Ross

Scotland definitely gets under your skin—and into your bones. Living here and writing full-time is my dream, and it seems you are doing it! I’d love to hear more about that. Have you written about that elsewhere? Or would you be willing to DM me? And thank you for sharing one of my posts! I’m honored!

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Aww thank YOU, Anne! 🥰 I don't think I've written elsewhere about it, no. One of my core book ideas - which I hope I'll write at some point, include this topic along with my story (and my ancestors's stories) both in Spain and Scotland. I guess I'm only starting to consciously realise that I'm living this dream I had put in the back burner under the 'Impossible' category ages ago. Actually, makes me realise how many of my younger self dreams I've been able to accomplish. I'd love to explore more about it. And yes, happy to DM! Message me anytime. ✨

Thanks for your kind comment! ❤️

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Sep 9Liked by Dr. Mariana Calleja Ross

I’m so happy for you, Mariana! Soak up the reality of living your dreams!!

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Glad to hear you are enjoying Scotland! And that you can take a break from time to time.

It was interesting to hear about your "inner depths." I don't have any, but my inner shallows can be fun.

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Thanks for your comment, Jeffrey! It's interesting about inner depths, yes. We all have them for sure. That's why it's a good practice to learn about them, little by little every time. 😊 Thanks for being here!

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Sep 9Liked by Dr. Mariana Calleja Ross

I love the thought that the weather is inside you. Coming up is 7 months of Canadian winter and it gets challenging, waiting for things like grass and leaves to come back and snow and ice to go away. I’ll have to look inside for some greenery when it hits -30.

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Hi Tim! Oooooh, the Canadian winter is something else, yes. I have family in Toronto and I always tell my aunt I don't know how she does it there! It's rough. I'm so glad my words resonated and I hope they really help as you prepare to receive the darker months. Do you take supplements over the winter? Like Vitamin D and Magnesium? They're always a great winter ally to help with balancing the brain, hormones and all the effects of reduced sunlight. 😊

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Sep 9Liked by Dr. Mariana Calleja Ross

I take vitamin D and magnesium all year

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Sep 9Liked by Dr. Mariana Calleja Ross

Went to Scotland last spring for the first time and loved it - totally agree that it is a mystical and magic place. Thank you for this piece, love it!

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Thanks for your comment, Anne! Scotland is so incredible, I'm so glad you got to experience it! And I'm happy these words resonated with you. Magic! ✨😊

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