You're Not Drinking Enough Water
Why this matters, plus 3 simple hacks to help you level up your water game.
A few weeks ago I shared with you how much water matters in the body, and how it can be used as medicine. As a doctor, I am convinced that 1) water is indeed medicine, and that 2) teaching proper water intake as routine could help us prevent a great deal of ailments in the future.
As you might know, the human body is made of 60% water, at least. It is the main ingredient, along with other vital elements like sodium, calcium, and potassium, in keeping our tissues and cells going.
Water is to the human body what sunshine is to trees and plants, or air to the lungs. Without air, sunlight or water, no living organism could survive the passing of time. The body can adapt greatly…but for how long?
We all know that having a healthy water-drinking habit is vital to human health but also a difficult one to sustain. Many people struggle to drink water on regular basis, and I totally get it. That has been me for three decades, until some serious digestive issues and a regular exercise routine made me understand that I just needed to START. DRINKING. WATER.
I also see this in consultation all the time, so let me tell you: you’re not alone. The most common reasons I hear on why people struggle to drink water are:
‘I don’t like the taste.’
‘I just forget.’
‘I’m too busy.’
Struggling with water intake is so common, yet we fail to teach how important this habit is in everyone’s lives. For this reason, I’m bringing you 3 easy hacks to help you improve your water intake. But first, I need to explain how we’ll do this:
The way I like to see it is through habits—the little no-brainer things you do on daily basis without much thinking, like going to the toilet, having your morning coffee or eating a meal. The thing is that creating a new habit is tough stuff, I know.
That’s why the easiest way to create a new habit is by attaching it to an old one. This way, you’ll slowly teach your brain without realising, a new added routine. This is one of the most successful secrets to habit-making. (If you want to learn more about this, Lesson 4 and Lesson 5 of my stress course will give you a really good blueprint. I promise you it’s good stuff! And it’s jargon-free. 😉)
So, in order to help you drink more water, you first need to find the no-brainers in your routine so you can attach the new habit into an old one. And then, proceed to apply my 3 favourite hacks. Ready?
Without further ado…

3 Simple Hacks To Help You Drink More Water
Every time you go to the kitchen, drink a glass of water before you leave. Whether you’re just checking the fridge, cooking a meal or doing the dishes, make sure you drink a glass of water (your preferred size) before you step out of the kitchen. For an extra WOW factor: keep a tiny notepad or paper where you can draw a stick every time you drink a glass. Then check it out at the end of the day to see how many glasses you drank. You’ll be surprised!
After you go to the bathroom, drink a glass of water. Peeing is something we all do at least 4 times a day. Every time you pee, fluid goes out, so what better way to replenish it than taking a small glass of water right after peeing. This means that you will drink at least 4 glasses of water a day just by following your peeing habit. My favourite no-brainer! Easy, right?
Before each meal, drink a small glass of water. It’s most likely that you eat at least one meal or two a day (what a blessing!). If this is the case, you’ll undeniably sit at the table and enjoy your food. It is said that having a glass of water before your food intake will help digestion, not only to hydrate but to prepare your digestive organs and fluids as food comes in. It’s the stomach’s alert to get ready for food-processing mode. What a beauty, isn’t it? So next time you sit for a meal, drink a water of glass in advance.
Extra hack #1: put a piece of your fave fruit, a slice of orange, berries or cucumber, some mint leaves, or a cold-infusion tea bag like these ones to add a light flavour to your water. It might make it easier and more attractive to drink throughout the day.
Extra hack #2: whenever you got out for a coffee, tea or glass of wine, order a side glass of water with it. It will help your gut digest the drink, and stay ready for further digestion as you go about your day.
Whether you choose one or all three, after practising these exercises you will have successfully added 3 to 4 glasses of water (if not more) into your daily routine. By doing this, your hydration levels will progressively improve, helping fix issues along the way such as mild headaches, constipation, cramps, or itchy, dry skin.
Needless to say, these are simple exercises that anyone can practice. However, note that if you have a heart, kidney or vascular condition, is important to comment with your doctor about how much water intake is appropriate for you.
Finally, I highly suggest you keep a tiny paper, post-it or board to draw sticks every time you drink a glass. At the end of the day you’ll be surprised! Awareness is everything, my people. Once you become aware of something, you can change anything you want. The power is yours!
The science of water is beyond fascinating, isn’t it? We’ll keep talking more about this and other equally amazing things about the human body.
I hope this can be of great help! I’d love to know how it goes for you in the comments.
Until next time. 😉
Much love,
Dr. Mariana
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I got a big mug that holds 24 oz of water. I go through it twice, which isn’t too hard (I add a small splash of juice for flavor). I’ve noticed the more water I drink, the less I weigh. Not sure how that works, but I like it.
Thanks for the reminder! I usually hydrate well in the morning and then forget to drink enough water throughout the day. Smh. lol