The New Season of Green Prescriptions Has Arrived!
In 2025, explore and fully experience what nature can do for your mental and physical health.
Hello my dear Green Prescriptioners!
With much excitement, I’m happy to welcome you back! Today we begin the new season of The Green Prescription Club, with new ventures, activities, and improved ways to discover the outdoors as a way to enhance your physical and mental health. A lot of new experiences will be shared and I’m super excited about it all!
As a quick reminder (and for new subscribers—hello!), here’s what Green Prescriptions are:
“This beautiful and powerful evolution of conventional medical intervention is inviting people to rethink their lifestyles. In essence, it’s an invitation and series of prompts to get more involved in Nature-based activities, as prescribed by a healthcare provider.
These activities can go from exercise and healthy eating to engaging in hobbies, group activities and other forms of socialisation as an enhancer of physical, mental, emotional and immune health, just to mention a few benefits.”
You can read all the science-based evidence about them here: Welcome To The Age Of Green Prescriptions
Now, let’s have a quick recap of Season 1:
In our first month, we enjoyed a soft introduction to what Green Prescriptions are through a relatable activity we all enjoy: walking or hiking. This allowed us to have an inspired taste of what an outdoors prescription can really mean for your mind and body.
In our second month we embraced the art of breathing to help us connect with the most essential nature of our human body, showing us how the simple act of conscious breathing can help your mind slow down, calming your emotions and pace of life.
In our third month we adventured a little more, by getting to know our surroundings better, discovering new green spaces nearby. This served as an exercise to promote not just physical and mental health but also creativity and exploration.
In month four we turned our heads up towards the night sky, learning that stargazing and simply observing into the darkness that surrounds us every night, can stimulate the brain differently than in daytime, activating eye muscles that can only work at night, and releasing substances in the body that respond only to low or no light.
In month five, we learned that embracing the day sky is the perfect combination of observation, mindful awareness and physical health. Being on an observant state of the daytime sky allows a different brain activity to take place, in sync with our body’s circadian rhythm, and stimulating our skin’s production of vitamin D, vital for bone strength, hormone balance, and other biological processes in the body.
And finally in month six, we came back to earth to embrace our most immediate green companions: plants. Through the art of gardening, we learned how being in closer connection to the elements of Earth plays a determining role in our physical and mental health by enhancing creativity, mild physical movement for joint health, and relaxation.
As you can see, everything we learned, practiced and enjoyed through our first six months, was not just a simple routine in the outdoors but a whole plan to demonstrate how a coordinated system design between nature and human biology benefits immensely your physical, mental, emotional and cognitive health—making it a perfect preventive activity to enjoy the present and prevent for the future.
During Season Two of the Green Prescriptions:
We will go on deeper dives into the topics that have inspired & and will continue to inspire us.
We will expand on the latest science, neuroscience, and updates behind the nature-mind-health connection.
We will discover new ideas to challenge ourselves as we head out to explore. Get ready for some Micro-adventures!
We will practice a new exercise as we invite others to join us.
You will create your own Green Prescription Movement (Yes yes! More on this soon.)
If you’re new here, let me give you a small taster of a Green Prescription, so that you can experience it and decide if joining our club in the future is for you.
Month: February 2025
Prescription: Park/Lake Discovery
Dosage: Once a week, you’ll go on a small discovery trip near your area. It could be by foot, by bike or by car, either on your own, with family, or with a friend. Simply dedicate a couple of hours of your time when it best suits you, to go find a new park, lake or green area near you. A new place you absolutely never knew it was even there. This is both a curiosity and physical enhancer, not mention how many steps you’ll make without realising. Whether it’s winter or summer where you are, this is a perfect starter to experience a Green Prescription prescribed by a medical doctor—yours truly! Enjoy. :)